A thriller short film starring Shakira Barrera (Netflix’s GLOW, Queen of the South), shot in New Mexico in July 2018, supported in part by The Future of Film is Female. KAYA screened at MoMA, and opened for Jennifer Kent’s stunning film, The Nightingale for a three-week run at Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn.
WINNER: Best Actress: Central States Indie Film Fest, Best Director: Central States Indie Film Fest, Audience Choice: Central States Indie Film Fest.
A woman’s desperate search for her teenage sister and the truck driver who trafficked her erupts in violence when she delivers justice on her own terms.
Kaya: Shakira Barrera
Eva: Brie Surodjawan
Travis: Kyle Dean Bolt
John: Teddy Jaquez
Written and Directed by Catherine Fordham
Produced By:
Allison Rose Carter
Catherine Fordham
Natalie Johnson
Monica West
Executive Producers:
Kathryn Brink
Scott Gorran
Ann Brady Gorran
Michael Melamedoff
Roger Hulualani
Director of Photography: Drew Levin
Editor: Minos Papas
Production Designer: Ashley Crandall
Casting Director: Kathryn Brink
Drew Levin
Minos Papas
Associate Producers:
Nora Unkel
Devin Shepherd
Assistant Director: Mykel Salazar
A music video for Grace Potter’s (rockstar, legend) stunning song, “Release” shot in Malibu, CA.
VIDEO DIRECTOR: Catherine Fordham
STORY BY: Catherine Fordham and Jessica Leonard
PRODUCER: Brandt Rentel
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Brandt Rentel and Melinda Nugent CINEMATOGRAPHER: Drew Levin
EDITOR: Doug Karr
CONSOMMÉ is a six-minute subversive horror film starring Monica West, now streaming on AMC’s Shudder and Vimeo. The film screened at numerous festivals across North America, Europe and Tel Aviv, and at MoMA as part of The Future of Film is Female series highlighting female directors.
PRESS: HuffPost Arts and Culture Feature, The National Herald, Monologue Blogger Review, Monologue Blogger Interview, The Hollywood Reporter.
Monica West
Written and Directed by: Catherine Fordham
Producers: Catherine Fordham, Erin Nelson
Editor/Co-Producer: Minos Papas
Director of Photography:Lance Kaplan
Sound Designer: Arjun G. Sheth
Best Thing You'll Ever Do, created by Monica West and directed by Catherine Fordham, is an award-winning scripted mini-series tackling "the baby question." Full series here >>
“A brave series that challenges the social norms women are expected to fill - brought to attention in a very comical way.”
— Michelle Rose NetTVnow
A short film shot in Brooklyn (2013) about a women trapped in her bathroom as her life falls apart on the outside.
May all beings be free.